Quiet Perspective - $250

Termination Code - $300

Improvisation in Blue - $250

Chardonnay on the Beach - $300

Above the Boundary- $250

Tangerine Puddle - $200

Complete And Accurate Picture - $300

Conversation About Red - $300

Research The Topic - $300

Reflections of Me - $150

Brooks Laugh Loud - $300

Continuum Effect - $200

Emotional Battles - $300

Gates of the Town - $300

What Can I Say? - $250

That Old Fortress - $250

Red Leaf -$300

Part of the Solution - $300

Fork in the Road - $300

Rock Bridge - $300

Gates of the City - $300

Upside Down Town - $300

Life on a Trolley Car - $300

I'm So Blue - $300

Fire at Night - $300

The Silk Road - $300

Amethyst Mine - $200

Country Adventure - $200

We Must Be Slipping - $300

Familiar Designs - $300

Open Heart Open Roads - $300

Blueberries and Melons - $300

Wonderful Circles - $300

Relaxing in Red - #300

Green and Blue Balanced - $300

Truth of Secrets - $300

Universal Acknowledgment - $300

Economic Injustice - $325

Frisson - $300

Alternative Music - $300

Snow Falls Before Night - $300

Compatibility Factor - $300

Tea for Two - $300

Sunday's Crossword Puzzle - $300

NanoTech - $300

Piece of a Dream - $300