Quite By Accident - $300
Relevant - $300
False Hypothesis - $300
September Leaf - $300
Forgetful - $300
Leaves On A Rusty Wall- $300
Luminous Fragments - $300
Studio Colors - $250
Sideways - $300
Chaotic Thoughts - $300
Lesson Learned - $300
Golden Element - $200
Complementary Colors - $300
Unknown Destiny - $200
Shredded Flowers - $300
Summer Fragrance - $300
Great Wide Open - $250
Just Before Autumn - $300
Along For the Ride - $300
Road By the Sea - $300
Subtraction of Color - $300
Along for the Ride - $300
Amusement Park - $300
Circular High - $300
Color Wheel - $300
New Language - $300
Green Trace - $200
Contact Source - $250
Off Stage - $300
Forest Fire - $300
The Hidden Box - $300
Day One November - $300
Sounds of Yesterday - $200
Designed By Confusion - $300
Color On My Wall - $300
Day After the Storm - $300
Orange Leaf - $300
Land of Circles $300
Doubtful Thoughts - $300
Blue Orange Abstract - $300
Crowd Pleaser - $300
Wild Mind - $300
Buzzing Bumblebee - $300
Outside the City - $300
A Fraction of the Universe - $300
Broken Ladders - $300
Fallacious Argument - $300
Vesuvian Red - $300
Where's the Gondola - $300
Refusal of Linear Design - $300
Test Case One- $300